Felony Charges Dropped Against East Lansing Man Who Filed Excessive Force Complaint After Traffic Stop
UncategorizedThe Lansing State Journal recently reported on a case that ended with felony charges being dropped against a man who had filed an excessive force complaint against the East Lansing police officer who arrested him. It was back in December when…

Does Separation Always Lead to Divorce?
UncategorizedNot always as some couples choose to separate for various reasons. According to Susan Pease Gadoua, L.C.S.W., who is the author of Contemplating Divorce, A Step-by-Step Guide to Deciding Whether to Stay or Go (August 2008) and Stronger Day…

Michigan Couple Wrongfully Arrested for Possession of Medical Marijuana
UncategorizedPolice officers are trained to catch individuals in the act of committing a crime or detain those who are said to be guilty of breaking the law. While officers help to keep the community safe by reducing the amount of crime that occurs, they…

What Will Happen to My Marijuana Conviction Now that Marijuana is Legal in Michigan?
UncategorizedThe state of Michigan legalized the use of marijuana for recreational purposes on December 6th, 2018 and now many individuals who have been convicted of marijuana charges or have some currently pending against them are wondering how the new…

How Long Will My Criminal Conviction Remain on My Record?
UncategorizedWhen you have a criminal conviction on your record, it can make getting a job extremely difficult to do. Some employers will see the arrest and won’t even consider you as a potential employee because of it while others will have you go through…

What Factors Will a Michigan Court Use to Establish a Parenting Time Order?
UncategorizedIf you and your spouse are going through a divorce and are unable to come to terms on how the two of you want to divide up your time with your children, the decision shall be placed on the court and the judge hearing your case will make a final…

Can I Settle My Divorce Without Having to Go to Court?
UncategorizedIf you’re someone who isn’t fond of the courtroom but is preparing to file for divorce, you may be wondering whether your case must be handled within the courtroom or if there is a way it can be settled outside of it. It’s a common concern…

Understanding the Sexual Assault Charges that were Filed Against You in Lansing, MI
UncategorizedIf you or someone close to you was recently charged with sexual assault in Lansing, MI and you are looking to get as much information as you can regarding this type of charge, the Law Offices of Stuart R. Shafer, P.C. here to provide it to you.…

Will Assets I Acquire While Separated from My Spouse be Considered Martial Property During Our Divorce?
UncategorizedWhile each divorce case differs from one another, generally anything you acquire while married to your spouse will likely be considered marital property during your divorce. Of course, there are exceptions to this, and you can learn exactly…

Clinton County, MI Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer Explains How Much It Costs to Get a Prenup
UncategorizedThere isn’t one set price a couple is going to pay for a prenup in Michigan. The truth is, there are many factors that will affect how much you will need to pay if you want a prenuptial agreement to be drawn up before you tie the knot. What…

Eaton County, Michigan Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer Shares Some Pros and Cons to Getting a Prenup
UncategorizedPrenuptial agreements are becoming more common among couples today. Because many individuals are getting married later in life and have already established their careers, they are choosing to protect the things they worked so hard to acquire…

Michigan Man Arrested for Wiping His Nose on a Dollar Tree Employee
UncategorizedA Michigan man could be facing criminal charges after he wiped his nose on a Dollar Tree employee’s shirt after being told he needed to have a mask on. USA Today reported that the 68-year-old Michigan resident was caught on video surveillance…